NL4535 is a high pressure oil line used for connecting add-on and external oil coolers on automotive and light truck applications. It is a flexible and kink resistant hose with an abrasion, heat, and weather resistant cover. For retail display, this hose comes in 25' dispensing reels.
Construction: Tube: Black nitrile. Cover: Smooth, black synthetic rubber blend. Reinforcement: One braid of synthetic yarn.
Typical Fittings: Sold in bulk only (no assembly), refer to equipment/vehicle OEM for end, crimp, & clamp recommendations.
Temperature Range: -40°C (-40°F) to +95°C (203°F)
Detail Comments: All sizes come in convenient 25' dispensing reels.
Warning: New-Line does NOT couple for auto, refer to auto OEM
Cut Method: Ratchet Cutter (<2"ID ) Safety Scissors - Wear Safety Gloves
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